Monday, November 19, 2007

The golden soundbites folder

After many requests I revived the /audio folder upon This folder has been gone for a couple of months due to clumsy server moving. Luckily after a few days of downtime they managed to put most of my stuff back online, but not my beloved audio folder, which I used for uploading new soundbites, finished tracks, mixes and so-on. Reason: they did not backup folders bigger than 2 gigabytes.

Oh really, that is just what a good service should be about!? Very well then, make up your own rules, but then please presuade consitency.. For instance, my /motion folder was bigger than 2g's as well, but that one got backed up? Oh hell they have learnt me a good lesson. Don't go for small(er) and cheap hosting again. I will never use the webhosting: yourname after this again due this brilliant fact.

Anyhow back to the point. Some nice recent stuff to be found here, to bad no time in Karlskrona to finish a single bit, anyway, enjoy:


Some layouting buisness

Good, things are rolling again, loads of workshops and some hands on work.

Results for the few:

A few hrs of typography

A few hrs of layouting

Note: All the content as the images aren't belong to me and far from absolute truth.

more stuff
