Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Building flexible bridges for bughunting safaris with Tore

Me and Tore went to Expo C today, a tech conference at Marin Museum. They offered Hyper Island a couple free tickets and me Tore took the chance. Basically most of the stuff was far beyond our hat. It was adressed to software developers in general, which we aren't. For the first time since ages I felt n00b again. We are just media developers who know a little bit of Actionscript, Java, Processing, XML, Html, PHP. But nothing such as C++ and projects of 10k+ LOC (which means 10.000 lines of code (yes i've learned a new short today)).

Anyhow there was some intersting stuff on DuckTyping, for flexible XML webservices and some interesting views on Agile software development, which seems to be a new trend or a Buzzword. This Agile stuff felt really UGL and probably should improve the atmosphere and the effectiveness of work on the workfloor.

No time to go in depth right now, so to summarize it: some mad german professors, some debugging and most of all, free food, candy and some new contacts! And maybe some more freelance stuff as well. We will see.

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