Allright, I will confess, I have been hiding under a rock for a while. Max has learned me some revolutionary stuff. How to use and read RSS feeds. It was necessary step, I didn't want to go all RSI on checking up 51 hyperblogs a day.
I was aware the existance of this all along. And I actually had some lessons about RSS and XML on my previous education a time ago. But back then the brilliance of RSS somehow didn't seem struck me. Maybe because RSS wasn't so exstensive implemented as it is nowadays. Today 95% of the sites I follow use RSS.
For those who don't know how this thing works, I shall give a small explanation. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. But actually the name makes it more confusing, although the use is really simple. Very big amount of newssites/trendsites/websites/blogs and whatsoever have RSS implemented nowadays. And I quite expect that almost every regulary updated site in the near future is going to do this as well.
At this point it starts to get interesting. You see, all these newssites, blogs and whatsoever are using the same protocol to encode the updates. What if you can manage all these equal encoded updates into one programme that checks for updates for every single one of them on a regular basis, let's say once an hour and pops up in your tray bar when there happens to be an update on some site. OMFG! (excuse my h4x0r). Here you have it, the new definition of newspaper, and it's about the things you are interested in.
It sounds radical but this is about to save me 10 to 15 hours checking favourite websites, a week. No more do I have to go round clicking every single bookmark every single moment I feel like this ( and this happend to me multiple times a day). I just open my RSS reader hit Shift + F5 and Im updated again.