Friday, November 2, 2007


soon to be found on

Rapid Pink Movements

Many things to running around my head to write about this week. Too sad there is such a minimal amout of time. But there is one thing that pisses me off right now: T-Mobile (a mobile phone company) claimed the rights of the color maganeta. So they sue every other company that uses that color... Makes my blood boil. Up untill now I only found reports in dutch. But I will try to keep you updated.

I will put up a petition site, to reclaim the pink! (some hrs later today).

To keep it pink, there is a lot going on around the topic of free online music distrubution as Oink got busted sometime last week. There is something revolutionairy music distribution wise going on this moment. But more on that later (today I hope).

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Finally! someone has reinvented the paperclip

and made it even better

to bad i can't read the website

Buisness Managment Website

Me and Andreas Widman are going to work on the buisness management website based upon the hel-looks website. We both made some sketches.

These were mine:

Monday, October 29, 2007


The Pirate Bay To Bring Back OiNK

"In this sense, Oink was not only an absolute paradise for music fans, but it was unquestionably the most complete and most efficient music distribution model the world has ever known. I say that safely without exaggeration. It was like the world's largest music store, whose vastly superior selection and distribution was entirely stocked, supplied, organized, and expanded upon by its own consumers. If the music industry had found a way to capitalize on the power, devotion, and innovation of its own fans the way Oink did, it would be thriving right now instead of withering. If intellectual property laws didn't make Oink illegal, the site's creator would be the new Steve Jobs right now. He would have revolutionized music distribution. Instead, he's a criminal, simply for finding the best way to fill rising consumer demand. I would have gladly paid a large monthly fee for a legal service as good as Oink - but none existed, because the music industry could never set aside their own greed and corporate bullshit to make it happen."

When Pigs Fly: The Death of Oink, the Birth of Dissent, and a Brief History of Record Industry Suicide.


more stuff
