Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Your 21th century fireplace replacement

Last week our group received three items to work with and develop a product. We started of with car, mouse & keyboard and heat. We ended up with a fish controlled atmosphere generator. And it sort of looks like this:

(design by vedran, modelling by me)

Basically the upper 'harp' part is an aquarium, where a few black fish reside in. When a fish interrupts a laserbeam, the algorhythm (that is used to calculate the ambient sound that is put out) will transform. So you have an everlasting self refreshing atmosphere. Next the user is able to control the type of atmosphere. The user can set the color to the mood the user would enjoy.

So here you have it: your 21th century fireplace replacement.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.

more stuff
