I'm happy that Asa was the first person to point it out this morning, so I don't need to mock any more about this. I took the opportunity to put my camera on my phone into good use to capture this contradiction in termino. For those who still don't get it I would like to refer you to here and here.
To make my thoughts about the branding issue more clear for people as Carl (who seemed confused and distressed when talking to him). I will write something down in the way of a beautiful metaphor that had been awakened inside my skull when Kim D dropped the word Big Mac. To make this all a bit more confusing, I owe rights of the word HyperMeal to Kim J. And yeah, this is all about professionalism.
Like I was saying to Carl, I have absolutely no problem to ditch the name 'Crew 13' and using the structure as Hyper suggested us. But using dm07kna as a way to identify ourselves is a bit too much for me (although I enjoy abstract names, especially in the way as Autechre name their tracks).
This is because a couple of certain reasons. First as the people of Kong explained to us. People don't like to go down to (and to exaggerate a bit) http://www.hyperisland.se/kna/dm/07. It's because A) harder to find for people and B) hard to market us as a class. This is because I presume everyone within our class wants to dm07kna to be the best year of Hyper to be remembered forever (otherwise we wouldn't have had all these endless discussions about the brand). And I feel the best way to motivate people in doing this is to make them believe in their 'own' brand and let them fight for it to make it known in the ways we want to be known within our fields of work.
Now here comes the hard part, I ask you to imagine
The problem with the ‘crewname’ was that it was a bit too unspecific and undistinct (is that good English?). As you don’t go down the MacDonald’s and order just ‘food.’. You can’t make a clear distinction which food you want to order. Thus with the crewname, you can’t make a clear distinction which class you’re dealing with.
This is why I suggest that every class within
As a lot of buns from MacDonalds changes every couple months or year or so. So does the Digital Media market and the market on which Hyper should focus on: the ever changing, evolving technology and design market. So maybe our brand name could turn out to be a one day fly, but at the moment we market it we should put our full love and ambition into it to make it worth to get the attention we want and need. Because within these field of work you just can’t sit and wait.
The time to act is now! Who cares if over five years nobody remembers the alter ego of dm07kna. Around that time your experience and reputation that you gained when you marketed yourself as a great class within these short amounts of time would probably put you in a very nice working place. And why do you want to rely on the name that your class or school should have. You are here on
I’m not speaking the truth, as I believe there is no such being as absolute truth. But I try to convey a message. Which sometimes can be hard when not written in your mother language and words can be seen as vehicles. And I still need to work it out a bit, but Max (and i got his permission from him to accuse him) was nagging about when I was done. Now when I've got this written down, some other ideas constructing this even better start to develop. As I have the next three days off. I probably write some more down during the days.PS:
What's wrong with vegaterians eating meat shaped and meat named vegtable stuff. I as a omnivore don't eat vegtable shaped meat, do I?
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